Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Why Save the Polar Bears?

In the article I read this week I've learned a few things about polar bears. You always hear people going on and on about polar bears and why we need to save them from extinction, but why? I understand that any animal going extinction is a big deal, but animals all across the world are in danger of being extincted so why are polar bears getting so much attention? Well I think I finally understand why.

Do you know that polar bears are the largest predations on earth?! They are twice the size of a tiger! Polar bears only weigh about one pound when born, but they can weigh up to 1,700 pounds as adults! This definitely seems like one of the reasons that polar bears get so much attention. I feel like these are the kinds of things that they need to talk about whenever they say how much troubles polar bears are going through with their habits being destroyed.   

This article discusses what can be done to help save the polar bears from extinction. There are many actions being taken to try to stop this from happening. Many different acts are trying to be passed that will help save polar bears from all of the troubles they are facing that are causing their species to dwindle.
Recently in class we've been talking about food chains. I have to imagine that if the largest predator were to go extincted that it would severely negatively affect food chains. Populations of animals would probably go crazy! Without polar bears who will eat the seals? And if seal populations go up then the fish populations are sure to go down, so what will happen then?  

I think this article finally clears up the questions I had about the importance of polar bears in the animal kingdom. It's obvious to me know why it is so important that will keep polar bears from going extincted. Save the polar bears!

"Protect Polar Bears" Video
WARNING: video a bit graphic at some points!