Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sunny California

One of California's many solar farms.

All of us know that our now acquired need for electricity takes up a lot of resources to be provided to us, so my question would be, Why aren’t we trying to find different sources of power? There are natural resources that can be used to provide us with our electricity, so why are we not all switching to these ways? Well one state is moving forward and it’s California.

California is the nation’s largest solar producer and are moving forward to have one-third of the state solar powered by 2020. I feel like more states should be taking this step forward to switch to natural resources of power, and thanks to California’s aggressive move forward with solar power the rest of the U.S. is now realizing “that solar is here, not a technology of the future.” I’m glad that California’s use of solar power is encouraging other states to move forward with the use of alternative sources of power.

This article relates to class because resource depletion is one of the six major environmental problems. I believe that switching to solar power would lower of resource use and help out the environment dramatically.

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