Thursday, October 28, 2010

How NOT to Clean Up an Oil Spill!

Today I learned from Brian Merchant's article "People are Dropping Dead" from BP Dispersants: Toxicologist how the BP oil spill is being cleaned up. Now I think everyone knows about the tragic oil spill in the Gulf and how much difficulty there was with trying to clean it all up. Well it seems that the solution found for cleaning up the spoil has turned out to have negative effects.

A chemical cocktail called Corexit, which is untested, has had 1.9 million gallons dumped on the Gulf in an effort to break up the oil. There's only one problem, the chemical has turned out to be toxic. Local residents are being afflicted by respiratory sickness and worse, some people have DIED from exposure! The symptoms being experienced include: "headaches, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pains, chest pains, respiratory system damage, skin sensitization, hypertension, central nervous system depression, neurotoxic effects, genetic mutations, cardiac arrhythmia, and cardiovascular damage."

I think this is completely crazy! I also can't believe that I haven't heard about it until now! I just can't believe that they would try to solve this problem by using untested chemicals! It's completely irresponsible and insane!

I think this relates to class because the way we solve problems now is going to affect future generations. We need to be more careful or there could be no environment left for the future!


  1. O wow I never heard of this happening either!!! This is something that the government should let us know about, and clearly none of us know about it. This should be stopped.

  2. There are so many chemicals that have been used in the past that had good intentions but ended up causing harm (DDT, MTBE, CFC,'s, etc.) I personally believe that our drinking water is something that is not studied enough and has a huge impact on human health. Great article and blog!

    Mrs. B - West Perry High School
